A Change Has Come

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Wow, I haven't posted on here since sophomore year. I'm glad to be back to the blogging way of things. I have been on YouTube sometimes until the beginning of junior year which I stopped YT for a while because:

1. Junior year is the busiest year ever in high school. (Comment along if you are a junior because I hope to do junior advice soon)
2. My kodak camera broke and it may or may not be fixed.
3. I also broke my laptop (as in internet access), which really makes me bad with electronics. I really need to improve on that if I want to become a responsible adult starting on October 30th (because I turn 18).

On Snapchat, one of my fellow classmates was wondering if I still do a YouTube, so I tried to do a video. One, the internet access made it unable to edit my video transfer through internet, and two, I don't really have a flash drive to use. If I did have a flash drive, it would be an excruciating process. Then three, the house computer is very slow, mindful that we have a Windows Vista, and it would take a while to edit and post a single video on YouTube.

I also was reminded that there was still a blog that I still have like 1-2 years to do an update post like this. And there was an app to post things to this blog. And I can still take iPhone 6 quality pictures on here. Therefore, I wanted to touch up on my blog.

From these two years, my style changed from that "preppy" look to this style (I feel like I need to roast my freshman year self) that really defined me with elements of boho chic, glam, and sometimes girly. This inspiration came from these "preppy" YouTubers I was obsessed with during my freshman year, and my favorites are now finding themselves in a daring, but suitable style that really defines who they are. And I respect that. Now with the social pressure in school and basically everywhere else, I started to find myself. I am still stripping off the "wannabe" parts of me, and replace them with things that I wanted to take risks in and also the things I am starting to love. This is why I have changed from "PINK and Glitter Shoes," to "The Panamanian Belle," to now "Des to Impress."

Behind the new name I started to fall in love with puns on social media. For example: anneaconda (Anne), megsinablanket (Megan), and wishlizst (last name Lizst), to name a few. And in school whenever clubs, my IBac thing, and others do events they would put in "dress to impress" in order for us students to look professional, or for my case dress like your "Sunday Best." On those I take these days very seriously. I thought of a good pun for my name "Desi" and the "dress to impress" came up in my head that time. After so much thought on other good blog titles, this was the winner.

Overall, "Des to Impress" means that you don't just dress up, as my peers thought of me, for others, but to make yourself live your life to the fullest. And also do the things that you love in your best clothes.

Okay, I have some posts to brainstorm first. Until them toodles!

*this could be the start of something new...* (finish the song in the comments)

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