Friday Football Style
Monday, August 25, 2014
It's that time again for some football season! While it's still summer, I am getting use out of my shorts before the temperature get cold. Here's to dressing for a football game during the last weeks of summer.
These are Old Navy shorts and the bunch of my favorite shorts are from there as well as my striped shirt. I'm really colorblind because the stripes are red in real life, then my eyes think that it's orange. I forgot to take a picture of my neck candy, but it's my croakies, aviators, and my current favorite ones from Cato.
Some great comfort shoes/sandals are great for me. Some think it's canvas shoes, or even a loud pair of ballet flats. For me it's a great pair of Jack Rogers-esque sandals at Shoe Show. These have expanded over the summer.
A great stack is a current must for me for gameday! My stack included: tassel bracelet, mosquito coil bracelet, usual watch, and a wristlet! A wristlet or small bag is great because it's small, portable when you're walking a lot, and holds some things. The good ones are from 31(mine is pictured) and defintely Lilly (that one has a lipstick holder).
There's a possible chance that I will do these Friday Football blog posts bacause what? I do kind of dress well for Friday games. As the weather progress, we'll see how much more covered I'll be. Until then, what are your Friday Football essentials?
Xoxo, Desi
School Supplies Essentials
Friday, August 1, 2014
It's that time for back to school season again! And I can't wait to get prepared for school with these supplies. This year, I will be a sophmore and I am so excited. These are the things that I will be carrying to school this year!
Bookbag: If you have visited my channel lately, I will be carrying my Jansport Superbreak backpack this year. This is really adorable because it has the pink flamingos, which I love!
Lunchbox: I am thinking of getting a Thirty-One lunch tote with the swimsuits (really, Desi?) or this beautiful pink and green striped one here from (about the same price of the 31 lunchbox). I usually take my lunch like every single day and I want something that will take up some room with a great price tag.
Pencil Pouch: This year I am definitely using a pencil pouch with compartments. I used the smaller pouch that comes with the bigger makeup bag from 31, there were post-its all over the place and the paper would get messed up. You know what? I'm getting one with compartments so no paper would get gessed up again. I have a pink pouch that I could use this year, but I included this polka dot number from Forever 21 that has compartments so nothing would get messed up.
Water Bottle: At the store, my mom and I would get the 24 pack water bottles. Well, what if #oomc (one of my classmates) brought the same brand? For me, drinking from one's water bottle would be whack! I am getting a unique water bottle that will tell 'em, "that's mine!" 1. 2. 3.
Colored Writing Toys: If you are drawn to colorful things, these will save your life in getting good grades. Highlighters, colored pens, and markers help make a difference. I am planning on getting a 10-pack highlighters from Yoobi, a collection at Target that sends school supplies when you buy their products. Also I am debating on getting the 16-pack flair pens or if Up & Up brand at Target have their 24-pack pens, I might get those instead this year if they sold them this year.
Notebooks and Paper: I've gotten 4 beautiful notebooks at Wal-Mart and some loose leaf paper in college ruled because I've gotten so many wide ruled, I get so sick of writing on them. See my recent video here.
Pencils and Black Pens: This year I am using the BIC mechanical pencil that comes in 24 pack (courtesy of my mom's job) and the Pilot G2 pens. Out of all of the pens I've had in my life, the Pilor G2's are A++ for me. They write oh so well and if you're looking for a good pen, check them out at Walmart, Target, or any office stores.
Folder/File Folder: I'm debating if I want to use a folder or a file folder, which is good for storing forms, permission slips, flyers, and more!
Calculator: I am using my TI-36X Pro until I can save up to get a TI-84 (hope I get a pink one!) Once you know how to work the calculator, this can save your life in any math class.
Post-its: For reminders, bookmarks, to-do lists, agenda work, I am definitely using my post-its this year. I'm using the ones from last year because I have plenty left and they do last for a long time.
Agenda: I am a proud owner of a Lilly Pulitzer Medium Agenda in Tusk in Sun (the remix) and this is what I'm drawn to for planning things during the school year because I'm a busy girl. Big exams are coming, so I'll keep these in handy.
Binders and Their Dividers: This year I am doing a binder for every two classes (if I could explain more, check out the link on the notebooks and paper above). For every class, I'm including 4 dividers to organize my work.
Dressing Up My Rucksack: To dress up my Jansport, I am planning to get it monogrammed at a local monogramming store (monograms are really the baes!). If it doesn't work I am dressing up with a bow, monogrammed keychain, ribbons, and key fobs (so I know it's mine).
It seems that I hit every spot.

Bookbag: If you have visited my channel lately, I will be carrying my Jansport Superbreak backpack this year. This is really adorable because it has the pink flamingos, which I love!
Lunchbox: I am thinking of getting a Thirty-One lunch tote with the swimsuits (really, Desi?) or this beautiful pink and green striped one here from (about the same price of the 31 lunchbox). I usually take my lunch like every single day and I want something that will take up some room with a great price tag.
Pencil Pouch: This year I am definitely using a pencil pouch with compartments. I used the smaller pouch that comes with the bigger makeup bag from 31, there were post-its all over the place and the paper would get messed up. You know what? I'm getting one with compartments so no paper would get gessed up again. I have a pink pouch that I could use this year, but I included this polka dot number from Forever 21 that has compartments so nothing would get messed up.
Water Bottle: At the store, my mom and I would get the 24 pack water bottles. Well, what if #oomc (one of my classmates) brought the same brand? For me, drinking from one's water bottle would be whack! I am getting a unique water bottle that will tell 'em, "that's mine!" 1. 2. 3.
Colored Writing Toys: If you are drawn to colorful things, these will save your life in getting good grades. Highlighters, colored pens, and markers help make a difference. I am planning on getting a 10-pack highlighters from Yoobi, a collection at Target that sends school supplies when you buy their products. Also I am debating on getting the 16-pack flair pens or if Up & Up brand at Target have their 24-pack pens, I might get those instead this year if they sold them this year.
Notebooks and Paper: I've gotten 4 beautiful notebooks at Wal-Mart and some loose leaf paper in college ruled because I've gotten so many wide ruled, I get so sick of writing on them. See my recent video here.
Pencils and Black Pens: This year I am using the BIC mechanical pencil that comes in 24 pack (courtesy of my mom's job) and the Pilot G2 pens. Out of all of the pens I've had in my life, the Pilor G2's are A++ for me. They write oh so well and if you're looking for a good pen, check them out at Walmart, Target, or any office stores.
Folder/File Folder: I'm debating if I want to use a folder or a file folder, which is good for storing forms, permission slips, flyers, and more!
Calculator: I am using my TI-36X Pro until I can save up to get a TI-84 (hope I get a pink one!) Once you know how to work the calculator, this can save your life in any math class.
Post-its: For reminders, bookmarks, to-do lists, agenda work, I am definitely using my post-its this year. I'm using the ones from last year because I have plenty left and they do last for a long time.
Agenda: I am a proud owner of a Lilly Pulitzer Medium Agenda in Tusk in Sun (the remix) and this is what I'm drawn to for planning things during the school year because I'm a busy girl. Big exams are coming, so I'll keep these in handy.
Binders and Their Dividers: This year I am doing a binder for every two classes (if I could explain more, check out the link on the notebooks and paper above). For every class, I'm including 4 dividers to organize my work.
Dressing Up My Rucksack: To dress up my Jansport, I am planning to get it monogrammed at a local monogramming store (monograms are really the baes!). If it doesn't work I am dressing up with a bow, monogrammed keychain, ribbons, and key fobs (so I know it's mine).
It seems that I hit every spot.
Avery Big Tab Insertable Plastic Dividers, 8-Tab Set, 1 Set (11901)
What are you planning to bring this school year?? Let me know in the comments below!
Xoxo, Desi.
What are you planning to bring this school year?? Let me know in the comments below!
Xoxo, Desi.
Forever 21
Lilly Pulitzer
Vineyard Vines
It's a Classy July the 4th!
Friday, July 4, 2014
On the 4th of July, barbecues are planned, the beaches are full, we bomb the places with fireworks, and mimmic the fabulous Star-Spangled Banner. Did you forget the good deals at most stores on the 4th was something for the 4th? Now that I'm blogging somewhere in the Sunshine State, I hit up the Florida Mall for the third time in my life to get some fantastic deals at a few stores. I will do a haul on YouTube sometime next week along with a fashion video. What did I wear on the 4th? Here it is.
Excuse the dark places because I took it when hurricane Arthur was coming in with his fellow storms. The top and bottom are from Old Navy and I fell in love with the shorts a lot.
I went crazy with the pearls as an excuse for white. They also went well with my makeup, bow ring, and my mains, the gold watch and monogrammed necklace.
What did you do for the 4th of July? What did you wore for the occasion?
Xoxo, Desi.
Neutrals, Jeans, and Red
Monday, June 23, 2014
I am going to have a busy summer (orchestra camp, annual trip to Florida, and driving, eek!). I've been to Carowinds and our Vacation Bible School so far. In mind, I have some type of nautical look for this summer, (navy, red, anchors, stripes) and this time I'm remixing the look with a litltle downtown flair.
{top and shorts: Old Navy, sandals: Target, belt: Charlotte Russe, monogram necklace: ChristyTreasureBox on Etsy}
This outfit is fun for a casual brunch with friends, hanging out, or even go to day camp in (oh, kay). What are y'all doing this summer?
Xoxo, Desi.
|Some Call it Minimalistic|
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
What? I've got about one and some days of school left. What? I felt like wearing a skirt today because I felt like a business approach. Here's my outfit.
I'm starting from these beautiful sandals from Target. They are gold on the ankles and mini studs on the toes. I think they're adorable with just a basic skirt and a über cute bag for some dimenension.
I paired those with a creme blouse and a military vest. For jewelry I had pearl earrings, a watch, a bubble necklace, and my lovely monogrammed necklace.
I hope you find my outfit from Wednesday inspiring!
Xoxo, Desi.
A Girly Take on Fratty
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Being a busy blogger with final exams coming up, coming up with things to do during the summer, finishing up with tons of schoolwork, and keeping up with y'all is a hard task to do. Isn't it?
I went to a grad BBQ party with a bunch of my church members was a glorious occasion. I prepared for it with a nice outfit to wear and probably (or prolly) my summer uniform: the girly take on fratty.
For a proper frat outfit in the South, the main essentials are these: bright colors, chino shorts, sunglasses-croakies duet, and a nice shirt/blouse. (Excuse me for the photos being a little blurry.
The bright colors, pink and mint were incorporated into the outfit as the main focus in the chino shorts. I complemented the shorts with a little competition, a pink linen blouse tucked in (both the pants and the blouse are from Old Navy). I wore the white belt with them to keep the lights going.
These are the sandals I've been eying since day one from Target. If I could get the video up on Youtube, I will tell you more in depth about them. I toned down the outfit with the sandals to give it a Greek feminine taste.
Since I forgot to get my arm candy, I had my neck candy going strong. I fell in love with my croakies from SoChicBebe with could fit into my sunglasses from Carowinds well. Then the monograms always match the pearls, especially if the monogram is from ChristyTreasureBox! Hopefully I could visit them (they're from Orlando) if I could be able to visit Florida for the summer!
By the way have a great May!
Xoxo, Desi.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
On Easter, I wore this dress from Belk and the lace details reminded me of Lilly Pulitzer's lace dresses. I paired the dress with a belt from Versona. The sandals as said were from Payless and the color was fabulous! I paired this outfit with pearls and my monogram necklace from ChristyTreasureBox on Etsy. If I ever go to Florida this summer for family, I'm definitely going where they make the necklaces and purchase some more monogrammed jewelry! And the sunglasses from Washington DC could close enough go with my outfit an add a funky twist!
Did y'all have a great Easter? Tell me in the comments what did y'all wore for Easter?
Xoxo, Desi
Monograms are Bae…in a Scarf!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
I have been busy with symphony rehearsal, driver's ed, and everything else. But, here's my outfit from Monday.
I thought I could be inspired by Danielle from DaniellyMarie, or themakeupbydanielle from Youtube by pairing a military vest with a striped shirt, cuffed skinnies, and some nice flats. The finishing touches to my outfit was a monogrammed scarf as my gift. I am enjoying it very much until the weather gets hotter in a few weeks. I have the lookup on the scarf included in the photo. They did a good job making the scarf!
Well, see y'all on the next blog!
Xoxo, Desi.
Light Colors and Orchids and Something Y'all Don't Want to Miss!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
"What am I going to do with a purple sweater before winter ends soon?" I thought before throwing the sweater in today.
I threw in my military vest and white jeans, I don't even care if I ant allowed, to go with the sweater. I threw in my riding boots. I brown purse would look good, but I didn't care if it matched my outfit or not, my lovely red bag went with it anyway.
If y'all styled white jeans in the winter, what would y'all pair it with. Let me know in the comments.
I have been selected as a rep for NCBows! They are so presh, as in fabulous.
These are the Lulu bows. These are my absolute favorite bows from there. As a rep, we have coupon codes for y'all! My code is repdesrean for a 20% off your order.
Last, but not least, I reached 100+ subscribers on YouTube. I thank God for his blessings everyday for my special talent since June 2013. Y'all have been supportive each and every day. Thanks!
Xoxo, Desi
Simple and Classy. (From 2/17)
Friday, February 21, 2014
How was the snow? I bummed when the snow fell in my yard because…
Hey y'all! I prepared a simple outfit that is versatile for school. Y'all can mix it up, too!
An oxford shirt, your favorite jeans/leggings (as long as y'all cover y'all's butts), and a pair of riding boots never EVER {I had to emphasize} go out of style. I had my extensions on, but I took them off to let my real hair breathe. I had them in flexi rods.
I accessorize my shirts {scratch that, almost everything} with my necklaces. I wore my pearls and a nice statement necklace at Versona.
In almost all of my outfits, arm party has at least two things: my Timex watch and my bow ring (thanks, Dad).
By the way, I hope y'all take the advice. You can get most of these pieces anywhere. Until next time, see y'all!
Xoxo, Desi.
I love the Frat Collection tees, but what if I can do it my self? Since October, I have been creating frocket tees made from scratch. There's many tutorials on how to sew a single pocket, then you am sew or glue (with fabric glue, of course) to any t-shirt. They are really inexpensive if you're into them, but could not afford the ones already made. This is one of the ways I wear it:
This is the frocket up close. This is a cute gingham pattern I got at a thrift sale. My neck candy involves my Cato pearl bubble necklace and my name necklace.
Hopefully this can give you a little advice on how to wear frockets.
Xoxo, Desi.
6 Outfits for Transitioning Summer to Spring!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Schoolwork, YouTube, tests, homework, and everything in between is the reason why I have been abandoning my blog lately. So with that said, I'm sorry for not updating my blog.
It's in the middle of season changing from winter to spring! What could I be wearing so I won't be too cold or be too hot? I've picked out six adorable outfits!
1.)Colorful With a Meaning
~Your favorite blouse
~White skinny jeans (rolled up is really cute)
~Your favorite nude flats
2.) Shaking up the Workplace
~Patterned blazer
~Solid colored blouse
~Khaki pants
~Favorite sandals or flats
~Patterned or solid belt
3.) Dressed Up
~Shift dress in a sping-y print
~Belt (optional if your waist looks good w/o it)
~Wedges or dressed up flats
~Nice hairbow to dress the tresses up, too
~Jacket/Cardigan and tights, which is not pictured (opt. if it gets too hot)
4.) Feeling Risky?
~Desert-type jacket (opt just in case if you get too hot)
~Gingham top
~Tuxedo pants
~Leopard heels or flats (solid if it is too much)
~Floral beaded necklace (I'm falling in love with those)
5.) Casual Day
~T-Shirt that feels like you're in the South
~Favorite jeans
~Riding boots or your favorite sandals/flats
~Colorful scarf (you can get them monogrammed if you'd like)
6.) Preppy and Proper
~Oxford shirt
~Solid A-line skirt
~Pumps or flats
~Plaid scarves (or a necklace, not shown, in place of scarf)
Even though we're going through so much Carolina snow worse than Alaska, just a reminder in the form of fashion advice to my followers! See y'all later!
Xoxo, Desi
American Eagle Outfitters
Forever 21
Hollister Co.
Old Navy
Polo Ralph Lauren
Sperry Top-Sider
Steve Madden
Tory Burch
Things I Would Like to Have Before 2014 Ends
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Sorry for posting 2 posts in one day, but I did it because I'm thirstaay! Wow, I'm weird.
Well here are the 10 things I would like to have before 2014 ends.
Well here are the 10 things I would like to have before 2014 ends.
- Jack Rogers: I know that's waaay expensive for me, but I would like to invest in a pair of Jacks. This should be something I should save up on before summer hits. I think something in a platinum color would be awesome because it goes well with silver or gold.
- Preppy Pink Shop Skirts: I will not stare at anything else in two weeks if I haven't stared at The Preppy Pink Shop skirts! They are beautifully made and the people who get their skirts there that I've seen arranged gorgeous outfits (thanks, Kelly in the City!).
- Oh So Bow Bracelets: If y'all didn't know I am in love with +belleoftheball45's IG and Youtube account, and I fell in love with her bow bracelets. As I looked where her bracelets are from, I was soo shocked at the goodies at She also describes it well in the Preppy Essentials video. I've got to get one before 2014 ends!
- Adidas Tiro 13 Pants: This stuff trends at my school like cray-cray! These are those Adidas Tiro 13 training pants! I think they feel like skinny jeans or leggings -- in workout pants. If they ever get on sale at Dick's Sporting Goods, Foot Locker, or anywhere else, I've got to grab my little hands on those before 2015 hits!
- Monogrammed Necklace: If the folks asked me what I want under $20 and I wasn't thinking about clothes, this one from from Etsy. Perfect for layering, perfect finish, and perfect pricing (some monogrammed necklaces be like $100-$300, woah there)!
- T-Shirt that Make Me Feel Like I'm in the South: Perfect for exam/finals/testing week! Reviews I've heard so far: so comfortable! Favorite ones: 1. 2. 3.
- Croakies!: At first I thought croakies look better on people who workout and stuff.I was wrong! If I'd ever had a lot of croakies and eyewear, I'd most definitely do a lookbook on 'em. They look so adorable in different colors and prints. Favorites: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
- Versona Necklaces: I heard it from my local mall, then I heard it from Grace from GracefuleeMade, then a friend. I've saw their website and figured out it was like Charming Charlie's accessories store. Definitely before 2014 ends it's time to check out this store!
- Ralph Lauren: If I don't go to a Ralph Lauren sale and check out their oxfords and sweaters and stuff, I'm going to feel too bored. If I have a polo (yes, I've worn it plenty this summer), I'm going to get more!
- A good camera: I've been posting videos on YT with my iPod, then my phone (amazing quality and a video editor). By my 16th birthday or Christmas, I'm planning to get a better quality camera for video taking. I've been wanting a Canon ELPH 330 HS(under $200 is my goal),but I think there's going to be better quality cameras at amazing prices as the year goes by. Or maybe save some money for that, too. Anyway I could get a amazing quality camera this year for my YT videos!
Well that sums it! See y'all at the next blog/YT post!
Xoxo, Desi
It's 2014, Y'all!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, .............Happy New Year, y'all! I'm so excited this 2014! Are you? Here's my #ootd.
2013 was a successful year (being a freshie in high school, making a YouTube channel, finding my style, playing with the NC Philharmonic, etcetera). I think 2014 will be a bigger year for me and you, right?
My 2014 resolutions:
•Reaching 100 subscribers on YouTube
•Passing all of my exams in school
•Getting much better in the violin
•Appear in a magazine
•Meeting a few of my fashion inspirations.
•Getting a drivers license on my birthday.
•Saving up $$$ for an investment. (a Lilly Pulitzer dress, platinum or sparkly Jack Rogers or a Vineyard Vines shep shirt)
•Maybe invest in a vegan diet (à la FullyRawKristina)
•Throw a fabulous Sweet 16 party
•And more things I should have thought of!
Well nice talking to y'all on the first day of the new year!
Xoxo, Desi
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